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G.A.M.E Sponsorship Tiers

event sponsor logo

Event Sponsor Package : 
The Event Sponsor will receive 6 tickets to the event which includes entrance to the tournament, meals, and expanded welcome package. The Event Sponsor will be recognized as the dinner sponsor as well as the golf cart sponsor, as well as own a hole. The company name and logo will be prominently placed on all signage and promotional materials including the GAME website, a full page advertisement and listing in the event program, and formal acknowledgement at the ceremony.

platinum sponsor logo

Platinum Sponsor Packages : 
The Platinum Sponsor will receive 4 tickets to the event which includes entrance to the tournament, meals, and expanded welcome package. The Platinum sponsor will be recognized a both the cocktail sponsor and the on-course snack carts sponsor, as well as own a hole. The company name and logo will be prominently displayed on all electronic media through the clubhouse on the day of the event, displayed on the GAME website, a listing and a half page advertisement in the event program and a formal acknowledgement during the ceremony.

diamond sponsor logo

Diamond Sponsor Packages : Limited Available 
The Diamond Sponsor will receive 4 tickets to the event which includes entrance to the tournament, meals, and expanded welcome package. The Diamond Sponsor will be recognized as the sponsor for a specialty on course experience and will own a hole with complete brand logo from tee to green. Your company name and logo will also be recognized on all electronic media throughout the clubhouse on the day of the event, displayed on the GAME website, event program listing. Additionally, they will receive a formal acknowledgement during the ceremony.

gold sponsor logo

Gold Sponsor Packages : $10,000 - Limited Available 
The Gold Sponsor will be recognized as the sponsor for one of the following: breakfast or lunch at the halfway house or on course par 3 contest. The Gold sponsor will have their company name and logo displayed on all electronic media throughout the clubhouse on the day of the event. Additionally, their company name and logo will be displayed on the GAME website and the event program listing.

silver sponsor logo

Silver Sponsor Packages : $5,000
The Silver Sponsors will be sponsoring one of several promotional and/or contest related offers including the men's or women's longest drive contest. They will have their company name and logo displayed on all electronic media throughout the clubhouse at on the day of the event as well as displayed on the GAME website and the event program listing.

bronze sponsor logo

Bronze Sponsor Packages :  $3,000
The Bronze Sponsors will be sponsoring one of several promotional and/or contest related offers including the men's or women's longest drive contest. They will have their company name and logo displayed on all electronic media throughout the clubhouse at on the day of the event as well as displayed on the GAME website and the event program listing.

hole sponsor logo

Hole Sponsorship : $500 – Limited Available
As one of the Hole Sponsors you will receive tee block signage at your designated hole. Additionally your company name and logo will be displayed on the GAME website and the event program listing.

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